Search for missing woman connected to Grand Forks suspended following discovery of human remains

SIDNEY, MT ( A search today for a Sidney, Montana woman was halted, after unidentified human remains were found. Katelynn Berry has been missing since December. Her mother is an Assistant Grand Forks States Attorney.
the search for caitlyn berry out in sydney montana the daughter of the assistant grand forks states attorney has been halted after human remains were found today uh this inn from the sydney montana police department at approximately 9 20 a.m this morning one of the volunteer search teams searching within one of our pre-defined search areas discovered what appeared to be human remains the richland county sheriff’s office members of the montana division of criminal investigation as well as other law enforcement assets have secured the area and are actively processing and documenting the scene at this time no identification of those remains have been made however for further search efforts have been suspended a post-mortem examination will be scheduled and conducted by the montana medical examiner’s office in billings in the next few days and it is our hope that a positive identification can be made at that time on behalf of the richland county sheriff’s office and sydney police department i would like to express our sincerest gratitude and respect to our civilian volunteers and area law enforcement partners for their overwhelming support in this effort again that was from the sydney montana police department a search today in sydney halted after unidentified human remains were found caitlyn berry the daughter of carmel matson the assistant grand forks states attorney had been missing since december i’m neil carlson reporting for inews dot tv


  1. Alot of loose ends here as the report unfolds.
    26 year old woman went missing in Dec. 2021, yet the human remains have not been identified? But law enforcement calls off the search for the missing 26 year old woman. ๐Ÿคจ๐Ÿค” There's more to this story.

  2. Well womens clothing was also found near a local guys house I guess and he moved out last week after living there for years,Iโ€™m from Sidney so this seemed more than a little suspicious to all of us

  3. If this is her, someone who knew her knew she had mental health issues (maybe the guy who moved). How coincidental that remains are found, this guy moves, and women's clothing found. Not at all suspicious.

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