Roseau Man Sentenced to 180 Days for Sexual Assault of Teen Girl

Danny Lee Hamilton
Danny Lee Hamilton

ROSEAU, MN ( – Danny Lee Hamilton, 61, from Roseau, was sentenced on Monday, June 17, to serve 180 days in jail for sexually assaulting a 15-year-old girl. Hamilton pleaded guilty to second-degree criminal sexual conduct in April. As part of a plea agreement, additional charges, including two counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct and another count of second-degree criminal sexual conduct, were dismissed.

The incident came to light in February when the victim reported the assault. During a forensic interview, she detailed the abuse. Hamilton admitted to giving the girl a back rub but claimed he could not recall any sexual activity, citing recent blackouts.

Hamilton was granted a stayed 36-month prison sentence. He will serve 180 days in jail, with 12 days already completed. He must report to the Roseau County Jail by June 28 to serve weekends in custody, with the possibility of serving time during the week depending on his work schedule.

Hamilton will also be on three years of supervised probation. Conditions include writing an apology letter, undergoing a psychosexual evaluation, registering as a predatory offender, completing cognitive skills training, having no contact with the victim or her family, and no unsupervised contact with minors or vulnerable adults until after completing treatment. If his probation is revoked, he will face conditional release for 10 years.

I’m Neil Berg reporting for


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