Northbound 35 mile post 180, MISSION CREEK TWP, Pine County Crash

Incident Incident type: Injury ICR: 25270213 Date/Time: 02/03/2025 11:08   District: 2700 Duluth Case Information Contact: 218-302-6127 Media Contact: MSP PIO Lt. Michael Lee (651) 343-4680   Location: Northbound 35 mile post 180, MISSION CREEK TWP, Pine County   Description: The vehicle was north-bound on the ramp to enter interstate 35 and at the bottom… Continue reading Northbound 35 mile post 180, MISSION CREEK TWP, Pine County

Eastbound Interstate 94 at Mile Post 180, CLEARWATER TWP, Wright County Crash

Incident Incident type: Fatal ICR: 24604431 Date/Time: 12/19/2024 22:54   District: 2600 St. Cloud Case Information Contact: 320-223-6666 Media Contact: Sgt. Jesse Grabow (218) 639-3168   Location: Eastbound Interstate 94 at Mile Post 180, CLEARWATER TWP, Wright County   Description: A semi was eastbound on I-94 at mile post 180 when it jackknifed into the… Continue reading Eastbound Interstate 94 at Mile Post 180, CLEARWATER TWP, Wright County

Fargo Man Sentenced to 180 Days in Jail for Causing Thousands of Dollars in Damage

Timothy Windels

FARGO ( – Timothy Windels was sentenced to 180 days in jail for using an angle grinder to cut Midco lines at seven locations around Fargo. The incident occurred in August and caused significant outages to residential and business customers. Windels pleaded guilty and admitted to tampering with electrical boxes, including one at the federal… Continue reading Fargo Man Sentenced to 180 Days in Jail for Causing Thousands of Dollars in Damage