ONE YEAR AGO TODAY: The SECRET About Dakota Access Pipeline Protesters
MORTON COUNTY, ND ( Some people have been wondering why it took so long to move protesters out, when law enforcement had so much fire power. We’ve uncovered a secret.
Reflecting on the Dakota Access Pipeline Protests: Unveiling Hidden Truths

They also slaughtered other tribes to steal their land but were pretending that only whites did that.
Big government was spying on people? Boy, I'm surprised. And, just like the 2nd Amendment grants them, they had guns? Oh, you mean kind of like how Cliven Bundy's buddies did? Or, how about the way that Ammon Bundy took over that federal park? Oh, wait, those are filthy rich white guys. Too bad the natives didn't have as much money. You're surprised that desperate people take desperate measures? There's no "secret" as this click bait title says. Yep, even left leaning sites were reporting on Red Fawn Fallis BACK IN NOVEMBER.
This is the biggest hack job I've ever seen. Clearly this crew has no discernment capability in regards to fact finding, and have bought into the propaganda machine that is behind this atrocity. Shameful is an understatement
Don't believe the propoganda! These law (corporation) enforcement officials are lying in an attempt to justify their brutality against American citizens who stood in the way of corporate profits- the same corporate profits that allowed them to buy the state gov't as their personal goons.
Aztec, tell me how that black smoke is not bad for the environment, do the research for me, thanks. "Research" I'm watching YouTube and you want me to do research, please.
The only "Radical element" around the Camp
were Where the Oil Police that had tons of equipment and DAPL
from sophisticated technology to massive Militarized Weaponry like missile launchers to cell phone disruption equipment…..
DAPL Mercenaries …..
Then the police planted a gun on a 5 foot 100 pound woman.
and as she is on the ground being razored with 3-7 police some how 3 shot went off all this 1 officer had an empty holsters.
That "Officer" has a lot of explaining to do . We live in a new day where "Officers" can no longer hide behind a badge.
Law enforcement will say whatever it needs to to cover their asses and to justify the domestic terrorism they have leveled against the protestors for the last year, unfortunately for them EVERYTHING they've done is caught on video and proves that they are lying!
The things that were left behind or only left there because the blizzard buried everything and people were not able to move anything but as soon as the snow started to melt they started cleaning up.
As far as human waste in the river is concerned that is a lie too they used composting toilets. Composting toilets are like porta-potties only you back up the contents you ship it out and it's used as fertilizer just like horse manure. Everything that the officials have said is a lie including them having someone living in the camp!
I want to know how they justified chasing roughly 20 people into the middle of the Cannonball River then lining the show is on either side to prevent them from getting off of the river exclamation point we all know that a river never truly freezes completely because it's constantly moving which means the only reason they chased them into the middle of the river is because they were hoping that the ice would give way! Stop spreading lies and propaganda, people know the truth!!
NEVER FORGET 10-27-2016 OR 11-20-16!!!
The fires WERE NOT started with diesel fuel. These were ceremonial burnings to avoid the WHITE MAN'S DESCTRUCTION of sacred spaces. Fact check, please. This is a total propaganda piece to discredit the Camp and the Water Protectors. Check your sources. Check your facts. Don't rely on a one-sided information source.
So they cause harm to the environment in protest of protecting the environment. Are these protesters mentally stable?