Ramsey & Rice County Fugitive Alert: Tayler Lee Frank Wanted for Drug Offenses

Tayler Lee Frank
Tayler Lee Frank

Ramsey & Rice County, MNTayler Lee Frank, a convicted drug offender, has been classified as a wanted fugitive by the Minnesota Department of Corrections (MNDOC) as of October 19, 2023.

Frank, born on July 6, 1992, was sentenced on October 18, 2022, for drug-related offenses under Ramsey County Court File No. 62-CR-22-3677 and Rice County Court File No. 66-CR-22-2082. He was last released from custody on August 15, 2023, but has since violated the terms of his release and is now wanted by authorities.

His supervising MNDOC agent, Darryl White, is handling the case. Law enforcement is actively searching for Frank, and anyone with information on his current whereabouts is urged to contact the police immediately.

I’m Chris Harper, reporting for TRF News

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