Protestors near Thief River Falls Prohibited from Trespassing on Pipeline Site

THIEF RIVER FALLS, MN ( The Minnesota Commissioner of Transportation has given Enbridge pipeline protestors a “No Trespass” order, after they’ve occupied state land along the Enbridge construction site for months.
Neil Berg here about six miles south of uh thief river falls minnesota at what’s called the red lake treaty camp folks a group of about 50 or 60 who’ve been protesting the enbridge line three replacement project here along the red lake river well as of yesterday they’ve been given a no trespass order by the minnesota department of transportation now i talked with pennington county chief deputy seth vettelsen who says they’ve been talking to folks here and it appears uh protesters are packing up and getting ready to leave vettelson says they’re trying to avoid a confrontation the camp is set up on state land along the red lake river where enbridge is boring its pipeline under the river protesters have been here for months with the proper permits but they’ve now been hit with a no trespass order they’re violating our constitutional right the freedom of religious act uh you know abides to what we’re doing here sweat lodge ceremony pipe ceremony water drum ceremony hunting gathering fishing it’s red like river yeah that’s a red lake river goes to the red river one of 15 rivers that flow north in the world so you know it’s very important if something happens it’s going to you know this goes to lake winnipeg winnipeg hudson bay north atlantic mississippi goes south so where are you from or where are you i’m from red lake oh okay yep yep all right how many people did you have staying at this camp uh we just recently in the past two weeks got up to about 50 people but we’ve been here for six months uh holding it down we do ceremonies that’s what we do we fish we gather we do ceremony um so you know and then we had somebody cross the line and they got arrested and that’s they tried to say we’re not being peaceful anymore but that was the only incident but the incidents that do happen are uh disgruntled locals who don’t believe in what we believe in and they call us names you know it gets racial and you know it gets pretty crazy and we had two drunk people coming in here and uh kind of disturb us but that’s it there’s never been no incidences we never mess with them we stick to ourselves and we don’t react to the racial stuff that goes on you know we just let it be and now as i said the pennington county sheriff’s department has a no trespassing order to enforce issued by the commissioner of the state department of transportation at this point they’re just trying to talk with each other and things have stayed peaceful it appears they’re packing up to move out we’ll let you know what happens i’m Neil Berg reporting for


  1. Funny they are protesting oil pipeline but everything they have and are using is petroleum based…lF YOU WANT TO PROTEST THEN STOP USING PETROLEUM PRODUCTS…YOU LOOK PRETTY DAMN STUPID PROTESTING OIL WHEN YOU ALL HAVE CARS THERE DUUUUH….

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