Protest Against Housing Issues Takes Place Near Warroad, Minnesota

WARROAD, MN ( Residents of a trailer park near Warroad, Minnesota are revolting, after the new owner quickly more than doubled their monthly lot rent.
if you’re paying apartment rent or a mortgage imagine getting a letter in the mail last week telling you your payment has now more than doubled and it’s due November 1st well that’s what’s happening here at the Timberline trailer court along Highway 11 just west of Warroad Minnesota Justin managed his wife and some of its neighbors say they’re stuck between a rock and a hard place Madi says they received a letter in the mail from the new owner of the trailer park who apparently lives on the East Coast on October 16th Maddy says the letter he received October 16th was dated September 30th and informed them their lat rent was going from 125 dollars a month to 310 dollars a month and the first payment is due November 1st or they’re subject to a $30 late fee while that may not seem like a ton of money to many if you’re of limited means and don’t have it you don’t have it oh well can I ask her are you guys working or what’s going on in your lives I get SSI and I do odd jobs and serves the community and do a service for my church and I thought I make my money so okay is your wife’s not able to work not at this time because she is diabetic and has one kidney she has gone through and over in surgery and now going in for a hernia surgery Maddy says they formed a group of neighbors to try to appeal to the new owner in the meantime I’ll try reaching out to him today to see if there’s any room for compromise in this situation I’m Neil Berg reporting for I news TV


  1. Call the housing authority in Minnesota.. State law I believe has to be a Delivered one month advance in rent and can't be over a certain percentage of the total monthly payment.. also if your going thru this… Call Social Services, Roseau County will help fight for you..

  2. someone should post a read through video of the letter that was received, also it sounds like a class-action lawsuit that can be filed against the new owner because of the way the law states that changes require not less than a 30 day notice, and there are federal regulations that would play in favor for residents because, for people with disabilities, elderly and other conditions HIPPA and ADA and other "things" could come to play. the recorded message that was included in the video does violate HIPPA laws because a landlord cannot ask about the ability to work of an individual or spouse. also, new lease agreements would need to be signed by the residents with a clause that states if they do not agree with the terms what can/ will be done to accommodate the changes or relocate

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