Problems with Conflict, Disputes, and Allegations of Bullying Arise at Valley Middle School in Grand Forks

GRAND FORKS, ND ( Brawl at Valley Middle School in Grand Forks.
some breaking news out of grand forks we just had a brawling incident if you will at valley middle school by university park in grand forks we have video of it but we’re not going to show you it it involves juveniles uh but apparently one group of girls went after a couple other girls and this has apparently been an ongoing thing according to one parent here this is sylvia the bullying is ridiculous the teachers haven’t done anything about it this is ongoing situation it’s been four years plus um something just needs to to give way because this is becoming ridiculous at this point we just don’t even know what to do no more what do you think about leaving there’s supposed to be a zero tolerance to bullying obviously this is not because we’ve we’ve made it an issue we’ve brought it up to teachers we brought it up to the principal we’ve even had a school board a cvic everybody’s been involved and it’s still non-stop as a developing story we’ll have more on it when more information is available i’m neil carlson reporting for eye news dot tv


  1. Let's not confuse bullying with assault. When the school is bringing organizations like CVIC into the building to help students with these issues, don't say the school isn't trying. Kids need to own some of these issues

  2. The time to deal with bullying and violence is now while they're young it will only continue until they're older and they commit assaults and other worst violent crimes time to put them in jail while they're young to teach him a lesson

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