Predator Behind a Screen: Grand Forks Man Accused of Threatening 17-Year-Old with Sexually Explicit Messages and a Gun

Jay Dee Weigand
Jay Dee Weigand

HILLSBORO, N.D. ( – Jay Dee Weigand, a 46-year-old man from Grand Forks, has been accused of sending sexually explicit messages to a 17-year-old girl on Facebook. The Traill County Sheriff’s Department launched an investigation in January after the girl’s mother reported the disturbing exchanges.

According to court documents, Weigand asked the teenager to send him explicit images of herself and discussed sexual acts with her on multiple occasions between October and November last year. He even threatened to kill her if she didn’t comply with his demands.

The affidavit also reveals that during a conversation in November, Weigand told the girl he was “going to try to get you pregnant.” However, when confronted about their age difference (he was 45 at the time), he acknowledged it but continued to pursue her.

Weigand’s behavior became increasingly erratic and threatening. He put his hand on the girl’s thigh while she was driving him back to his vehicle after a meeting at a gas station in Grand Forks. When they parted ways, he left his handgun in her car, telling her she could keep it if she wanted.

The investigation led to Weigand being charged with felony offenses of luring a minor by computer, terrorizing, and giving a handgun to a minor. Judge Constance Cleveland set bond at $50,000, which Weigand is currently unable to meet as he remains in custody at the Traill County Jail.

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