Person of Interest Reportedly Fired Upon Grand Forks Cyclists Using Suspected Air Gun

GRAND FORKS, ND ( Two Grand Forks men are facing criminal charges, after one of them allegedly used some type of air gun to shoot at a couple who were riding bicycle.
a frightening experience for a couple riding bike in Grand Forks they were apparently shot at with some type of air gun two young Grand Forks men have now been charged in connection to the September incident eighteen-year-old Tyler no has been charged with a pair of felonies aggravated assault dangerous weapon and reckless endangerment extreme indifference eighteen-year-old Jacob Callahan has been charged with felony accomplice to reckless endangerment according to court records on the evening of September 7th the man and woman were riding their bicycles on North 5th Street when a black sedan approached rolled down the window and the front passenger reached over the driver and allegedly began firing a weapon at them the female was fired at several times and struck in the abdomen causing a welt the male reported being fired at several times and was not struck by the projectiles now the criminal complaint does not detail the exact type of weapon but it’s described as causing a wealth and firing projectiles likely some type of air gun more details on that later the two suspects were picked up a short time later and no admitted to shooting at people from the vehicle I’m Neil Berg reporting for


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