Parents in East Grand Forks Face Charges After 2-Year-Old’s Overdose

East Grand Forks Parents Charged In Overdose Of 2-Year Old

EAST GRAND FORKS, MN ( Two East Grand Forks parents are facing criminal charges, following the overdose of a 2-year old on Thursday. The child spent the night in the hospital and was turned over to Polk County Services according to police.


  1. Neglect for sure! Can they charge will abuse? How stupid did Paul think the police were? Jacquemart is no parent, emotionally unavailable, it's terrible! Hopefully the child will be OK with no lasting damage-he's already missed out on any safe, secure attachment from the parents. Please, please let this be a time when the County actually removes the child and dissolves parental rights!!

  2. He doesn’t deserve to have that child and she doesn’t deserve to be a stepmom to that child put them away for a long time and hopefully that child gets a loving foster family that will take good care of him and keep him safe😢

  3. Thank you for reporting on this sad, horrific tale that is told every day in our Country. Usually those "Fentanyl" sold on the street are anything but what buyers believe. It's a suicide trap, it sucks out your soul,you lose your connection to God, there are better ways to deal with emotional pain. It sounded like these two called for help, that's a huge first step. When you're clean you will see things differently. Then you have to stop. I'll be praying for you. I pray the child is placed in a loving home with parents who focus love and attention on what he or she needs. First up, love. Thank you for reporting that the child survived and may be soon healthy. I was thinking about that since your first report. Love you all.

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