Parents from East Grand Forks Facing Charges in Overdose of 2-Year Old

EAST GRAND FORKS, MN ( Two East Grand Forks parents are facing criminal charges, following the overdose of a 2-year old on Thursday. The child spent the night in the hospital and was turned over to Polk County Services according to police.
we have an update regarding a two-year-old child overdosing in East Grand Forks on Thursday just talk with Lieutenant High check of the East Grand Forks Police Department who says the child at the scene was administered Narcan and spent the night overnight at Altru Hospital and was going to be released to Polk County Social Services on this Friday morning the parents of the child Taylor Paul the father and the stepmother Samantha Jack Mark have each been charged with a trio of felonies sale of a controlled substance fentanyl in a prohibited Zone it’s near across the street from Sacred Heart School and possession of fentanyl in a prohibited Zone and felony endangerment of a child now according to the Affidavit of probable cause here’s what happened reading from court documents quote on March 9th at the 220 2023 and approximately 10 30 a.m East Grand Forks officers and medical personnel were dispatched to 205 3rd Street Northwest in East Grand Forks in response to a report of a three-year-old child who was choking when they arrived the officers saw the child a lying on the floor unresponsored unresponsive with labored breathing when emergency while emergency Personnel attended to the child the officer spoke to Taylor Paul uh Paul stated that he was the child’s father and that he believed the child was choking on something while talking with Paul the officer noted that Paul had very glossy eyes and was unable to keep still it had a skeletal appearance based on his training experience the officer believed Paul was under the influence of a controlled substance a short time later Samantha jackmark showed up and stated that she was the child’s stepmother Paul stated he was going back to the apartment he was staying in to get his glasses and Samantha jackmart sat in a chair near where the child was being attended to and did not show much emulsion on March uh 8th of 2023 officer and officer received information that uh Taylor Paul and Samantha jackmart were selling and using m30 pills containing fentanyl when Paul returned he and Jack Martin stated they thought the child had choked on some bread or pizza while they were sleeping the officer doubted this story based upon his observations of the child the officer suspected the child had suffered some type of drug overdose the officer asked Paul and Jack Martin if they if the child had taken any medication pills or narcotics and they stated he had not emergency Personnel administered Narcan to the child and were able to revive him based upon this uh this a paramedic informed the officer he believed the child offered overdose on some type of drug the officer knew that Narcan generally was used to revive individuals who had overdosed on an opiate opioid uh the officer then placed uh Paul and Jack Mart under arrest uh Paul stated the child did not overdose and the paramedics were wrong while emergency Personnel were tending to the child an officer entered the apartment and looked for anything in plain view that could have caused the child to overdose while doing so the officer located a burnt a piece of burnt tin foil in the garbage in the bathroom and officers spoke to Jack Mart after being advised of her rights jackmart stated that she and Paul were addicted to fentanyl they used some fentanyl at approximately 4 a.m that morning and then passed out the officer applied for and was issued a search warrant to apartment 7 the officers searched the apartment and discovered the following items a piece of burnt tin foil in the bathroom garbage drug paraphernalia under the kitchen sink a small quantity of suspected marijuana under the kitchen sink two pills under the sink 422 dollars cash in a closet a plastic baggie and tin foil in the kitchen garbage a plastic baggie containing some white powder in the kitchen 26 m30 pills in the bedroom uh officer conducted a field test on the portion of the white powder and this test was positive for the presence of fentanyl officers are aware that the m30 pills were not actually prescription pills but usually contained Fentanyl and were the cause for numerous overdoses and deaths in the Grand Forks East Grand Forks area in recent years Paul and Jack Mart were transported to the East Grand Forks Police Department while their officer interviewed Paul after being advised of his rights Paul stated that he and Jack Mark purchased some pills containing fentanyl from his Source in what he thought was Dilworth Minnesota Jack Mart had paid 500 to purchase the pills they paid ten dollars per pill and then would sell the pills for forty to fifty dollars per pill they sold the pills to approximately five different people each day at the apartment they were staying in there would be text messages on his tele telephone relating to these sales he started using fentanyl approximately five months before and now he was fentanyl every day he and Jack Mart smoked fentanyl on tin foil they used some fentanyl just before 4 AM this morning and went to bed the child woke him up because the child was hungry and he gave the child something to eat and went back to bed Paul also agreed to and did provide a urine sample officer conducted an on-site test on Porsche of the urine sample and the test was positive for the presence of Fentanyl other officers interviewed Jack Mart Jack Martin stated that she and Paul were sleeping in the apartment when she woke up and she heard the child gasping she did not long know how long the child she did not know how the child could have gotten into their fentanyl pills she and Paul both smoked fentanyl pills they used tin foil and a straw to smoke the fentanyl they purchased fit 83 fentanyl pills for 830 dollars in Dilworth the night before they purchased fentanyl pills every day and sold fentanyl pills for 40 to 60 per pill to the same people in order to fund their fentanyl these sales occurred in in or outside of the apartment where they were staying they sold 15 of the fentanyl persons uh pills to a person in the parking lot in East Grand Forks when they got back from Dilworth and she saw thought there were 20 or more fentanyl pills still in the bath bathroom of the apartment Jack Mart also agreed to and provide a urine sample it also tested positive for the presence of fentanyl there are apartment apartment building is located directly across the street from Sacred Heart Elementary High School I’m Neil Berg reporting for


  1. Thank you for reporting on this sad, horrific tale that is told every day in our Country. Usually those "Fentanyl" sold on the street are anything but what buyers believe. It's a suicide trap, it sucks out your soul,you lose your connection to God, there are better ways to deal with emotional pain. It sounded like these two called for help, that's a huge first step. When you're clean you will see things differently. Then you have to stop. I'll be praying for you. I pray the child is placed in a loving home with parents who focus love and attention on what he or she needs. First up, love. Thank you for reporting that the child survived and may be soon healthy. I was thinking about that since your first report. Love you all.

  2. He doesn’t deserve to have that child and she doesn’t deserve to be a stepmom to that child put them away for a long time and hopefully that child gets a loving foster family that will take good care of him and keep him safe😢

  3. Neglect for sure! Can they charge will abuse? How stupid did Paul think the police were? Jacquemart is no parent, emotionally unavailable, it's terrible! Hopefully the child will be OK with no lasting damage-he's already missed out on any safe, secure attachment from the parents. Please, please let this be a time when the County actually removes the child and dissolves parental rights!!

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