Overcoming Drug Addiction: A Grand Forks Woman’s Journey to Recovery

GRAND FORKS, ND (trfnews.i234.me) It’s a tough road. But a Grand Forks woman says those folks still struggling with addiction can beat it.
the old carlson here in Grand Forks Bobby Meacham a lot of viewers have been commenting the number of stores who do involving crime and drugs maybe we should do something to talk about there is hope for these folks in the getting into recovery so you’re recovering addict yes so what happened and what did you get into I was into meth and heroin I was married and I was a stay at home mom and when my marriage fell apart my husband started bringing drugs around and I hooked on drugs left him and was completely lost and then you get into crime yeah I was arrested twice while I was using and misdemeanor trespassing and then I was arrested for a felony conspiracy to commit burglary okay and I wasn’t actually committing burglary how I think of burglary I wouldn’t we had broke into a place we used to live to get some air oh and this is Frankie yeah so but anyway your legal problems are taken care of now and you’re in recovery programs yes yep my legal problems the judge actually was very kind when I was in recovery when I went to court for that and it got dropped off a misdemeanor so that’s all taken care of and I went to inpatient treatment through northeast and I still do some groups there outpatient okay so but it was a tough struggle getting off and staying up definitely a tough struggle um I thought it I was pregnant and I was trying to click on the drugs on my own just at home and it didn’t really work so I took myself into treatment and it’s a lot of work it really is it’s emotional and a lot of hard work so if you’re thinking that you’re working now raising your child your plans are maybe to go to school and work work with yeah my plan is to go to school next year and become an addiction counselor okay and I have the support of the counselors that I’ve had you know they’re for me to help that anything and for those other folks out there still struggling with this it was no easy task for you to get off these it was mad I in treatment um seven times in five years so just because the first time the second time doesn’t work doesn’t mean that you should give up you should keep trying okay and people should you know realize that sometimes it takes longer all right well keep at doing well thank you all right thank you

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