Opponents of the $352-million Grand Forks Corn Milling Plant voice their concerns

GRAND FORKS, ND (trfnews.i234.me) Several critics of a proposed corn milling plant spoke out during the Grand Forks City Council meeting.
yeah thank you mayor city council members my name is robert muschitz i live in ward 4. um i guess the biggest thing that really really kind of turned me off on this whole project was the fact that you guys started talking about this in 2020. people are sitting in this room that live in faulkner don’t you some of them have businesses and have been here for many years but yet you’ve talked about this since 2020 and they were in the dark i was in the dark we all pay taxes and a lot of them we love our city or we wouldn’t live here for god’s sake it’s you know what it’s like out there mr sandy not trying to pick any trouble here but there was a lady that asked if you could turn up the volume and you said no no no i don’t believe we i don’t i didn’t think we had that happen right yes but that’s not because i didn’t want to but because we physically can’t that’s not true mr sandy because i walked in the room certainly my apologies no i didn’t think we had the capabilities because but anyway you still talking about technology issues in this room thank you we have a labor shortage in our town i own a business i’m going to turn the key and walk away because i can’t find anybody to train to do what i do i call tons of my business friends they can’t find workers but yet the only positive thing i’ve seen of this communist china company coming was they’re going to bring 250 jobs for people that we don’t have the workforce here i mean people are going down we’ve got scotties on on washington why’d they go down they couldn’t get help we got that chinese place that was over on columbia road they went down because they couldn’t get help there are more businesses struggling now to get labor now that question was brought up and you said well these are engineering jobs what experts are going to come from communist china i’m just saying the process for this i make columns when i do business deals pros cons okay i’m looking at the cons about a page and a half long i’m looking at the pros jobs that is the con list because we don’t have the workforce in town anymore now i don’t know if it’s because our lovely president gave free money to people or if our parenting skills have gone down the hill but either way they’re not working so bringing more jobs to tell them what would they do if they built a billion trillion dollar plant they’ll bring them from overseas that’s you know that’s my opinion my beliefs we all pay taxes in this building and we do elect you so by rights we are your employer and i mean i’m not trying to tell you something about government you don’t know and i respect every one of you for doing your job but you have to remember one key people included we have not seen a dollar figure for the amount of money that you’ve already put into this program let me know where each of it goes ruler has it maybe it’s true or maybe it’s not that you’re actually using covered money for some of the infrastructure now to me covered money was to help the people that suffered to covet that would be my take okay but it’s going to help a chinese communist company come to town by building now we had to do the infrastructure don’t get me wrong it had to have updates but that’s on us the corporate money should help saudis it should help all the other businesses in town that suffer not not help bring in a chinese communist company and thank you for your time thank you sir


  1. I’ve seen this situation in our town before. That city council ain’t listening to a word that man said all they see is dollar signs. Nothing will change until the council get elected out of office.

  2. Higher wages help bring/ retain workers. Hope these guys dont actually think that small stimulus check actually made people not want to work. Its low pay that makes people not want to work for you.

  3. Vote this man into office and others like him, men and women who have lived in GF for decades and know what's best for the community. Like many, many, many cities, government no longer represents the people, but special interests. City Councils meet more and more in private, farm their decision making processes out to expensive consultants, waste tens of thousands and more before a vote is ever announced or made. It sounded like disrespect to me coming from the man who wouldn't turn up the sound. Unfortunately I don't know the man's name who spoke, but he made sense, spoke so well and right, and I am not hearing anything said by the council. Please update us. I grew up in GF and am always interested. I have a couple of finance degrees if you ever want a review, no charge.

  4. They're trying to replace us!!! We all know it. Diversify or else! We can do things to counteract this movement. We can boycott certain products. WE THE PEOPLE. If we can get the whole city together, we can move mountains. Something this country has never seen before. God be willing. ✝️ Curse that plant.

  5. Maybe grand forks works force needs to learn how to treat there employees and pay better that’s why gf is struggling for ppl but I can bet if that mill come that 200 plus jobs will be filled very fast

  6. The reason a lot of people are Indeed dark.
    Is because people?
    Ignore or don't have time?
    2 understand or sea or investigate? What's going on so they allow the politician to do whatever they want to and how many of these political?
    Are getting money under-the-table? There's always a deal so the Chinese can do whatever the hell they want to in the United States.
    And the American people have to stop the BS from the politicians and enough is enough.
    You need to vote them out and investigate

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