North Dakota Rep. Claire Cory Avoids DUI Conviction, Pleads Guilty to Reckless Driving

Claire Cory
Claire Cory

GRAND FORKS, ND ( – In May, North Dakota Representative Claire Cory was charged with driving under the influence of alcohol. On July 2, she pleaded guilty to an amended charge of reckless driving.

Cory, 25, was initially charged with a Class B misdemeanor DUI. The plea agreement reduced the charge to reckless driving, also a Class B misdemeanor.

Currently running for the District 42 Senate position, Cory won the June primary against her sole Republican opponent, Dustin McNally.

In her waiver of appearance document signed on July 1, Cory admitted to driving recklessly on Gateway Drive at 1:02 a.m. on May 7, showing carelessness and disregard for the safety of others. The statement did not mention alcohol use, though the May citation reported her blood-alcohol level at 0.186%.

Cory’s attorney and the city agreed on $901 in fees and 12 days in jail. Six days were suspended on the condition Cory completes a chemical dependency evaluation within 60 days. The remaining six days are suspended for 360 days, provided she commits no further criminal violations.

The judge accepted the plea agreement, and the criminal judgment was filed on July 2. Cory will pay the fine in monthly $150 installments.

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