New Memorial Recognizes Tragic Day in Grand Forks’ Past: Lynching of Charles Thurber

GRAND FORKS, ND ( A new siign was dedicated along the banks of the Red River in Downtown Grand Forks this weekend that acknowledges a dark day in the City’s history. The lynching of Charles Thurber.
a new plaque memorializing a dark day in grand forks history was dedicated along the banks of the red river in downtown grand forks this weekend back in 1882 just downstream african-american charles thurber was lynched from the old railroad bridge the plaque reads quote in memory of charles thurber black laborer from buxton north dakota lynched at this railroad bridge on october 24 1882 the united states constitution guarantees due process of the law for all citizens under our justice system the accused are assumed to be innocent until proven guilty charles thurber was not afforded due process of law and has been assumed to be guilty for all these years although life loss can never be replaced it is fitting that this miscarriage of justice be acknowledged and that charles thurber be accorded the dignity rightly belonging to all american citizens and the truth shall set you free a quote from martin luther king dedicated by mrs audra cuts bells 1997 sophomore english classes and the black culture club grand forks central high school 2020. back in 1882 a mob broke charles thurber out of the courthouse jail and lynched him he’d been accused of sexually assaulting two white women before he was lynched thurber told a reporter from his jail cell that he’d had a consensual relationship with one of the women i’m Neil Berg reporting for

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