Memorial Day at Arlington National Cemetery

ARLINGTON, VA ( – As we gather at Arlington National Cemetery on this Memorial Day, we are reminded of the profound sacrifices made by those men and women who laid down their lives in service to our nation. Their unwavering dedication, bravery, and selflessness are a testament to the indomitable spirit of our great country. Let us uphold the timeless principles they defended and ensure the preservation of our cherished freedom.

Here at Arlington, we are united by our commitment to our sacred mission as we honor and remember those who have made the ultimate sacrifice. As we stand amidst these enduring monuments of stone, let us never forget the profound significance each graveside holds—a testament to a cherished life: a beloved son or daughter, a devoted spouse, a parent, a sibling, a friend, or a neighbor. We honor not only them but also their family members, for Gold Star families, every day is Memorial Day.

Let us commemorate this special occasion by remembering our nation’s rich and diverse history, exemplified by the heroes who rest here at Arlington. From the bravery of the Revolutionary War to the valor of our modern-day defenders, we celebrate the remarkable spirit of a great nation forever indebted to the service and sacrifice of those who have answered the call of duty. Together, as a grateful nation, let us stand united in remembrance and reverence on this solemn Memorial Day.

Ladies and gentlemen, 160 years ago, the first American soldier was laid to rest on these hallowed grounds. There were no big ceremonies, no grand speeches, no family members to mourn their loss, just the quiet grief of the rolling green hills surrounding them. Today, we join that grief with gratitude—gratitude to our fallen heroes, gratitude to the families left behind, and gratitude to the brave souls who continue to uphold the flame of liberty all across our country and around the world.

Because of them, all of them, we stand here today. We will never forget, and we will never stop working to make a more perfect union for which they lived and died. That was their promise; that is our promise. Our promise today to them, and always. God bless the fallen, may God bless their families, and may God protect our troops.

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