Man Arrested in Grand Forks for Menacing Behavior

GRAND FORKS, ND ( A man who seems to have threatened most people he came in contact with Friday is facing a long string of criminal charges in Grand Forks, North Dakota.
the 33-year-old Aaron Jacob Marquez of Breen Ridge Minnesota is facing a long string of charges in Grand Forks according to court documents on Friday he threatened people at a grandforks gas station telling them they were on his hit list then at a gr Forks home he pounded on a front door and told a couple that he would kill them and their families police caught up with him by Wilder School where he resisted arrest and took off running a taser attempt was unsuccessful but he was soon taken into custody and told the officer that he had eyes on him and when the officer asked if he was threatening him uh Marquez said yes he was Marquez is now facing uh two felony counts of terrorizing and misdemeanors of preventing arrest false information to law enforcement refusal to Halt and two counts of disorderly conduct I’m Neil Berg reporting for I


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