Legal Action Filed Against LM Wind Power for Race Discrimination in Grand Forks

GRAND FORKS, ND ( A Federal regulation commission has filed a race discrimination lawsuit against LM Wind Power in Grand Forks on behalf of an employee who was fired.
Federal Regulators the equal employment opportunity commission has filed a civil lawsuit against LM wind power in Grand Forks on behalf of former employee Hayward Jones the company manufactures the blades used on wind turbines the suit alleges LM discriminated against Jones who was black when it subjected him to a hostile work environment based on race and terminated Jones because of his race and in retaliation when he opposed the racial harassment the lawsuit goes on to claim that specific incidents include a white supervisor’s threats to hang Jones from a bridge or drag him behind a truck and white co-workers targeting Jones with racial abuse including the n-word refu referring to Jones as a monkey tagging him in Facebook posts discussing white power and other similar racially charged threats and harassment until he was fired in October of 2019 the lawsuit goes on to ask for damages for Jones to be determined at trial by providing Jones compensation for past and future losses including emotional pain suffering loss of enjoyment of Life humiliation in amounts to be determined at trial the suit also asks for LM to cover the eeoc’s costs in this illegal action and we now have this statement from LM wind power quote LM wind power has not and does not tolerate discrimination harassment or retaliation of any kind LM wind power took appropriate action and we look forward to a respectful and fair resolution of the matter unquote and inews has learned it appears there already may be a settlement going on and the lawsuit is simply a part of that so this case may not actually make get to trial I’m Neil Berg reporting for foreign


  1. What about tigerswan the dapl protest the poisoning of native americans and tryin to cover it up with covid. Tigerswan is dtill active and harassing people

  2. I have learned lately that some of America's most racist people have moved to North Dakota. The only places that seem to welcome Blacks in Grands Forks are UND and Walmart. The only good reason for Blacks to move to Grand Forks would be to attend the university. They do not want Blacks to have any good jobs there, maybe picking up potatoes or beets. I am glad that this man found an attorney to handle that case. Who is his attorney/

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