Latest Update: Jail Administrator Addresses Concerns as More Female Inmates Report Poor Food Quality at Grand Forks Facility

UPDATE: Administrator Responds, Female Inmates Join Claims Of Bad Food At Grand Forks Jail

GRAND FORKS, ND ( We now have a response from Grand Forks County Correctional Center Administrator, Bret Burkholder as female inmates also join in on claims of bad food and not enough of it.


  1. We don’t get no fruit and no fresh vegetables 🙄 I agree they should never be served spoiled food! But you’re in jail/prison! I can’t always afford fresh fruit! Why should you be served fresh fruit?

  2. I'm glad you are reaching out to summit food services because people shouldn't have to eat food not made for human consumption. I also hope people keep this in mind before committing crimes.

  3. Female inmates @ 00:31, I did a quick search on the first one…….something Garcia and she's in prison for torturing a 3yr child to death. Do me a favor and don't EVER show your face on anything, i don't care if your food is dog 💩.

  4. This has been going on for years and have not been resolved when I was there they told us the fridge was broken and told us to suck it upand drink our spoiled milk that was literally in chunks

  5. My brother is in there he's schizophrenic he needs to be in a mental health long term living situation but instead he has been sitting there over 7 months refused medical appointments he needs for Mayo clinic since he was told he has cancer, his mental health is declining n they just keep pushing his court further away even putting him in isolation, the failure of north Dakotas system for mental health vulnerable adults in the legal system is appalling

  6. I wonder how many people not in Jail, busy working a job or two get THREE meals a day served to them with fresh fruit and fresh veggies? 🤔… I certainly dont get that privilege.

  7. You don't like it be good and go home just saying harder than sound give them food good food somebody better write a song get yourself out of the spot you're in about bad food in the condition

  8. Spoiled milk was an isolated incident, so it will be watched. I'm sure the portions are close to the needed calories per day. The food will be purchased through the lower end of food companies as are most government food programs are. Think about how potatoes etc.. are graded in a plant and imagine the low graded are most likely on their plates. Add to it that the food is not handled by a cook that really cares about it being prepared. Worry more about your childs school food or senior centers and those kind of citizens being fed.

  9. The inmates probably do have a point. Some low bid company gets the contract to supply the food. I say, have the same company that serves food to the politicians in Bismarck provide food to the inmates. Make them the same contract and same contract parameters. I’d bet if politicians were served spoiled milk and had a nice bout of food poisoning, things would change.

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