Recent Felony Level Charges In Grand Forks District Court
GRAND FORKS, ND ( A look at recent felony level charges in Grand Forks, North Dakota District Court.
Latest Felony Charges Filed in the Grand Forks District Court

Recent Felony Level Charges In Grand Forks District Court
GRAND FORKS, ND ( A look at recent felony level charges in Grand Forks, North Dakota District Court.
Crime comes in all shapes, races, sizes, genders and Quakers.
what the hell is going on up there?
I’d bet a dollar that every single one of these criminal scum have a prior criminal record or police contact. And as usual, our soft on crime judges, DA and state representatives give these criminal scum a break… continue causing more crime. And costing me more of my hard earned tax money to be wasted on these piles of human trash. If a criminal is in jail, they don’t cause crime, it’s quite simple. Lock them away, for decades.
There is no x-ray bag check to get into dorms
If the shoe fits!
He looks happier than me
Junky low life humans