Kyle Heintz Acquitted in Grand Forks Jail Riot Trial

GRAND FORKS, ND ( A jury found Kyle Heintz of Grand Forks “Not Guilty” for his part in a riot at the Grand Forks County Jail last September. Plus, we have a review of others charged in the incident.
Kyle hins of gr Forks has been found not guilty by a jury of felony inciting a riot and a Detention Facility and misdemeanor criminal mischief he’s also currently appealing drug and assault charges to the North Dakota Supreme Court his uh criminal history includes uh felony convictions for Criminal Trespass terrorizing aggravated assault Escape theft of property and all kinds of traffic VI violations now there were at least seven others also charged in that September 20th 2023 riot at the gr Force County Jail we’ll go over the status of their cases in just a minute here but first uh here’s a little background of uh what the prosecutor alleged happened back in September at the gr Forks County jail if you recall earlier inmates had sent me videos from the jail complaining about uh Medical Care and the quality of the food well that all erupted on September 20th uh with a bit of a riot uh reading from the criminal complaint on September 20th at approximately 11:28 p.m. multiple deputies of the gr Forks County Sheriff’s Office along with officers from the gr Forks Police Department responded to reports of a disturbance at the gr Forks County correctional center approximately 16 inmates were reported rioting and refused to lock down in their uh this was happening in pod 3A staff from the correction center advised that the inmates had barricaded the Pod door inmates had tied the day room door to the uh day room table using cloths and blankets inmates began to flood the Pod by clogging the toilets inmates armed themselves with makeshift weapons using mop and broom handles inmates can be seen throwing items within the Pod inmates were banging on the windows and doors inmates were yelling we ain’t locking down and give us our commissary now here’s a look at the others uh charged in that jail Riot most of them took plea deals Mitchell lamur pled guilty a 180 days sentence uh Jon Blue Shield pled guilty onee sentence uh Kelly Hood pled guilty 120 days uh Takota Aller pled guilty 120 days days and Cameron lrer pled guilty two years uh his charges included an assault on an corrections officer uh two other cases are still going through the court process Alexander hos and James mayerhofer I’m Neil Berg reporting for I


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