Justice Affirmed: Riemers’ Disorderly Conduct Conviction Upheld by North Dakota Supreme Court

Roland Riemers
Roland Riemers

GRAND FORKS, ND (trfnews.i234.me) – In a significant legal development, the North Dakota Supreme Court, led by Justice Jerod Tufte, has upheld the criminal judgment against U.S. House candidate Roland Riemers. Riemers was convicted of Class B misdemeanor disorderly conduct following a one-day jury trial. The case stemmed from an incident where Riemers blocked a BNSF railway train, causing concern among railway staff who feared his intentions. Despite Riemers’ appeal, the court addressed each argument in turn, affirming the original verdict:

  1. Jurisdiction: The court ruled that the complaint’s transfer from municipal to district court was lawful, initiating misdemeanor prosecution.
  2. Prosecution under City Ordinance: The court clarified that the city’s ordinance can prosecute conduct also prohibited under state law.
  3. Jury Instructions: Riemers waived his right to contest jury instructions by expressing satisfaction during trial.
  4. Victim Identification: The court noted surrounding vehicle operators as victims, emphasizing the alarm caused to train staff.
  5. Insufficient Evidence: Riemers’ failure to move for a judgment of acquittal forfeited his ability to contest evidence sufficiency.

This ruling affirms the legal consequences of Riemers’ actions and underscores the importance of due process in criminal proceedings.

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