Invitation to Dedication: Artist Reveals New 135-Ton Project in Grand Forks

GRAND FORKS, ND ( An artist explains his latest project in Grand Forks that’s made from 135-tons of granite. Wednesday night the public is invited to its dedication.
something new and eye-catching made of 135 tons of minnesota granite has sprung up along 42nd street in front of the can-ad inn in grand forks zoran moselov a minneapolis artist originally from yugoslavia has been commissioned to create what’s officially called northern rose so can you tell folks what is this explain what you’re doing uh no i cannot it’s new to me too so see i’m still working so uh i said to everybody come here have six packs of beer couple joints then you start gonna seeing the things [Applause] otherwise uh just driving by people can make their own mind so it’s still a work in progress for you well it’s pretty much done now okay this was it yeah this granite granite from rockville minnesota cold spring granite huh yeah so no no inspiration in your head what you thought or it’s just no help i’m sorry man i cannot help you if you see something good if you don’t see good okay i’m just telling to everybody pretty much i know who gonna enjoy here in the grand forks the dog’s gonna eat and pretzel on it that’s for sure i guarantee you and they’re gonna enjoy but people i don’t care about people really they need to figure out their own things is this helping you sure whatever you want buddy i know whatever you want okay to me the stone is speaking by itself you know just uh today driving by and being in the hurry people don’t have time to hear what stone is saying you know they want digest version of everything you know and then they want to look this piece and text and email and you know double tasking this is a 5 trillion years old stone you know so it’s uh he needs time to understand what can i have what are you doing the propane heater and i was burning the stone you know because then it flakes it makes more roundish you know okay i’m burning off the edges all right so somebody doesn’t cut their ass here what more you want this is what i want to make this it’s gonna it’s a marker you mark this corner and you can say oh drive down you see one weird rock turn left or turn right or something like this so it’s marking this thing and people gonna you know some people gonna drive by ten years and they’re gonna say now i kind of like it because it’s one st you know this stone on the rain is gonna go wet it’s gonna change the color with the ice with the snow you’re gonna get softer so he’s talking all the time just people are a little bit deaf you know all right okay thanks for talking thank you the project priced at around 150 000 was funded by anonymous donations grants and some city money for infrastructure it will be dedicated wednesday evening with the public invited between five and seven pm you’re asked to bring your own lawn chairs as the can add in will be out front grilling burgers and brats with a suggested free will donation of five bucks i’m Neil Berg reporting for


  1. When asked to explain what he's doing, he should have said "burning $50k on a pile of rocks an rebar"

    What a joke & an eyesore!

    This thing looks like it's gonna kill someone. How long with that rebar last exposed to the elements?

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