Interstate-29 North of Grand Forks Experiencing Flooding

OSLO, MN ( TRF News viewer video of flooding on Interstate-29 north of Grand Forks.
well if you’re wondering where all that rain went here’s some of it video here from jason omdahl uh this is about uh 25 miles north of uh grand forks on i-29 going south uh just north of oslo can see water built up along the uh highway here uh both lanes uh this southbound lane and northbound lanes are open but uh a water lapping now at the edges of the road uh the red at drayton is that or excuse me oslo is at 36.1 feet this evening expected to rise to 36.8 feet 7 tenths of a foot by friday so if you’re dr out driving especially at night be careful out there you’ll never know when you’re going to find a road underwater i’m Neil Berg reporting for


  1. I think logically they ought to shut down that roadway. It is far far from safe! Any moment those temporary dams holding the water back might give way… I live nearby, but I would never ever take that road no thank you! Turn around don't drown!

  2. I remember 97 I got pic of i29 going up to Drayton cystal sugar had to drive almost to Fargo to cross the red.and it looks like your driving across an ocean

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