WOW! Woman Overpaid $137,000
CROOKSTON, MN ( A woman in Crookston, Minnesota was accidently overpaid $137,000. She’s now facing criminal charges. Irene Thompson was an employee of the New Flyer Bus Company when she found an extra $137,000 had been deposited for her paycheck. She allegedly went on a spending spree and is now facing criminal charges.
Bad life choices.
Dont quite know if it was her fault that accounting screwed up, sounds alot more like a cival issue than a criminal one.
I don’t see how she deserves several felonies because the company screwed up.
So much honesty in the world.
how is it her fault 💀😭
Who was responsible for the payroll error ?
Blame it on the casino. Boy she can play make believe really good. Her 401k really.
It isnt her fault that the company messed up! SMH
Had something similar happen at my last job but it was "only" about $8k overpaid. Long story short I almost lost my job because they wanted me to eat the additional taxes that were taken out instead of have me give them back the amount that actually hit my bank account that was more than what I should have had deposited. I stood my ground and they agreed with my resolution but it burned a few relationships I had there.
Love it.
😲when am i getting a paycheck like this