Husband speaks to TRF News about nude woman running down street and biting off fingers

NECHE, ND ( We have an exclusive update regarding our story of a nude woman, running down the street in Neche, North Dakota, trying to bite off her own fingers. A criminal investigation is now underway.
we now have a startling update to a shocking story out of nichy North Dakota along the Canadian border that happened late in the afternoon of Friday February 2nd a nude woman was found running down the street with mangled fingers apparently trying to bite them off pimp County Sheriff Terry minger now confirms to I news a criminal investigation is underway first for background on all this here’s our original report we have a strange bizarre case out of Nichi North Dakota up along the Canadian border in piman County uh I just talked with Sheriff Terry minger who said this happened late Friday afternoon a nude woman was running down the uh Street when she was stopped first by the border patrol and he showed up on scenes the sheriff said she had broken mangled fingers that she had been biting herself and it appeared she had multip mple stab wounds to her legs uh the sheriff says she was apparently high on something uh she was uh taken into custody uh detained and immediately transported to Sanford hospital in Fargo apparently high on something now as I said a criminal investigation is underway the case may be about more than a woman taking drugs and losing control no one has named yet because no one has been charged with anything but I spoke with the victim’s husband who said the female suspect in this case came to their home in Nichi and his wife unwittingly took a mixture of drugs later identified at the hospital as psilocybin mushrooms meth and Fentanyl the victim’s husband was there to watch what he calls a nightmare his wife went psychotic taking off her clothes grabbing a knife in the kitchen injuring herself and running out the door with blood all over the house the husband says he called police and the female suspect left he says a surgeon managed to save his wife’s fingers but he claims his wife was a victim in this case we’ll keep you updated on the investigation I’m Neil Berg reporting for I


  1. Neche is a sleepy little town, but is known for a few bad families there. I bet this is connected to one of them. I wish these druggy people would move to California where all drugs are basically legal. Good place for them to go. Maybe the Sheriff could suggest that to that woman, her husband and the friend?

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