Honoring Heroes: 80th Anniversary of D-Day Commemoration at Normandy American Cemetery

NORMANDY, FRANCE (trfnews.i234.me) – On the 80th anniversary of D-Day, French President Emmanuel Macron bestowed Legion of Honor Awards upon 12 US and British World War II veterans, pinning medals on 11 Americans and one Briton. The ceremony, held at the American Cemetery overlooking Omaha Beach in Normandy, was attended by US President Joe Biden. Macron’s poignant words honored the veterans’ bravery, acknowledging their pivotal role in securing freedom. Notably, Russia was not invited due to its recent aggression against Ukraine. Over 160,000 Allied troops descended on Normandy, with many sacrificing their lives for the cause. Among the honored veterans were Kenneth Blain Smith, who provided crucial gunfire support, and Bob Gibson, who defended against German air attacks. Their valor symbolizes the enduring spirit of the “Band of Brothers” who fought for victory and peace.

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