High-Speed Chase Ends in Crash! North Dakota Man Faces Felony Charges

Nicholas Vancamp
Nicholas Vancamp

Drayton, ND (trfnews.i234.me) — A high-speed police pursuit on March 3rd has led to serious criminal charges for Nicholas Vancamp of Drayton, North Dakota.

Court documents reveal that law enforcement began chasing a black Corvette in Walsh County, but the driver refused to stop. A Pembina County deputy later took over the pursuit in Drayton, where the vehicle shut off its lights and sped through a 25 mph zone at over 100 mph.

The dangerous chase ended outside of town, where Vancamp crashed. According to the criminal complaint, he admitted to drinking before the pursuit.

🚔 Vancamp is now facing multiple charges, including:

  • Felony Fleeing a Police Officer
  • Felony Reckless Endangerment
  • Misdemeanor DUI Refusal
  • Misdemeanor Reckless Driving

Authorities are continuing their investigation. Stay tuned for more updates!

I’m Chris Harper, reporting for TRF News

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