Heartwarming Reunion: Woman Reunites with Nine Siblings in Grand Forks County After Over 64 Years!

GRAND FORKS, ND (trfnews.i234.me) A Rochester, MInnesota woman who was adopted over 64 years ago, met her 9 brothers and sisters in Grand Forks County today.
Neil Berg here in downtown Grand Forks in front of the townhouse most motel with an incredible family reunion story that’s about to happen this is a iron Raven horse and you’re from Rochester tell folks your story my daughter sent in an ancestry.com DNA kit and as a result of that my birth family found me after 65 years okay you’re adopted out 65 years ago and how many siblings do you have I have three sisters and six brothers so I suppose you’ve talked to some of them on the phone I have so kind of an exciting day for you it is it is it’s overwhelming okay we’ll see and we’re going out we’re by Macan Ark yes yeah for those of you don’t know where that is it’s northwest of Grand Forks a little ways up by Manville so we’ll see everybody at the Reunion okay sounds good [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so that’s the first time you met your sister yesterday yep after 65 years yeah pretty crazy so what’d you think when you first heard about this I don’t know if I believe that or not who’s gonna in shock it been so long that we never knew nothing the ball it was a shocker yeah yeah so mom and dad never told you that uh no never heard nothing about it kind of exciting to see her though very much so well yeah did you feel like first time that oh this is my sister well when I first laid eyes on her the first thing I seen was my mother [Music] does it feel like you fit into this group oh yeah oh yeah yeah it’s just so much love so much love yeah I’m missing piece that one last piece to the puzzle and now it’s in place [Music] near Grand Forks North Dakota I’m Neil Berg reporting for I news TV [Music]

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