Grand Forks Man Claims Justice Elusive After $85,000 Theft From Parents’ Home

GRAND FORKS, ND ( Investigators from the Grand Forks County Sheriff’s Department caught 2 burglars and they were convicted of taking $85,000 from a rural home. However, the family says they haven’t received justice in the case.
everyone Neil Berg out here in Grand Forks County with a story about the justice system that it doesn’t always work that well joining me is James mehar your father had was it’s about two or three years ago be three years ago in January okay he had $80,000 worth of property taken from his home cash coins jewelry so they caught the bad guys and that’s where the story gets bad for you that’s correct what what happened after they were caught we had two people that entered the house of my parents and like I said like needle said there was $80,000 where the capital gains or whatever that was gone a lot of cash there was $40,000 in cash okay um and the rest was pretty much jewelry and property and so we went through a lot of stuff with the state’s attorneys the sheriff’s departments and there was one guy that you don’t really stands out Matt’s Mike Lee for deputy sheriff he worked really hard at collecting these two guys and he said he wasn’t gonna give up telephone and he did find him and they go to court and they’re convicted they go to court they’re convicted they were sentence to do restitution they had won got like 11 months and the other one got a year and a half so they got out of jail they were supposed to pay full restitution that was what the courts recommendation was when they got out it was like I don’t have the paperwork confront me but one month was supposed to be you know like the hundred dollars a month for like two months and then it went up to $200 then it went up to $300 until it was paid for on a full restitution how much money have you received so far on the one on the one we received an eighty seven dollar check and he didn’t even or an eighty dollar check I’m sorry I apologize eighty dollar check and then another one we received 37 dollars on the same guy so he’s been on for eight months and we got one hundred and seventeen dollars from so now they wanted to take it back to court they said they were gonna switch it over to a civil case mm-hmm which was basically telling my parents that they were just gonna just let it be and they can fight for their own money back so basically you can take these guys to court on a civil suit and sue them and so but I’m not assuming the problem is they don’t have any money anyway yeah when you have nothing how do you get anything out of them we have an attorney hired right now which is Larry Richards and he is gonna be involved in this and we’re over trying to overrule it to get into back into the probation and off of the civil suit we want them to have to pay their restitution okay so he figures we can do this and if we if we here’s the deal is if we don’t win here in town which we’ve talked to a lot of people and we’ve got a pretty good chance but if we don’t we’re going to Supreme Court with it so we’re not clean you guys are committed you want to make them pay one way absolutely they get a job in life then it may open the door to Garn you feel you just things like that and the thing is here’s the deal if they’re not gonna pay the Mosel sit in jail because they’re no good to you I the next person because you know what someone’s house is next yeah I mean he’s done enough so someone’s house is next so that’s why we’re going to we’re not gonna quit we’re not stopping my parents are not stopping here I mean you know my parents are seven years old and they lost a lot and it’s still a burden on their shoulders until you know the day they’re gone so I think we need to have a lot of pressure off them these kids need to be in jail no matter what if they’re not gonna pay put them in jail all right we’ll leave it at that thanks for talking to me yep thank you I’m Neil Berg reporting for i-news that TV

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