Grand Forks in Rewind: Remembering the Historic Fire and Flood of 1997

GRAND FORKS, ND ( A look back at the historic flood and fire on April 19th of 1997 that destroyed a large part of downtown Grand Forks, as both Grand Forks and East Grand Forks had already evacuated due to a major flood.
hey everyone Neil Berg here it’s another anniversary of the flood and major fire in Downtown Grand Forks do you remember where you were on April 19th of 1997. well here’s what I was up to you’re looking at a live shot of smoke pouring from Downtown Grand Forks that’s from the security building in Downtown Grand Forks the water’s too deep they can’t even get into that area they’re going to let it burn there’s nothing they can do about it [Music] at Daybreak the Flames were still raging as fire gutted the heart of Downtown Grand Forks National Guard troops pulled people from nearby apartment buildings as the Flames consumed historic landmarks through the third floor we were safe we had lights we could watch emergency broadcasts all evening we’re on the road we’re watching people that were trying to get out we watched the National Guard pull out once they gave up on the dikes we saw people leaving their homes and we saw things get covered trying to save their businesses and stuff it didn’t help [Music] a helicopter was on the scene again today it made run after run dipping down to Phillips water bucket from one disaster to stop another [Music] if you know the security building and you know the herald building behind the original Herald office everything between the two buildings the entire block would be concerned considered to be destroyed um [Music] the other block of sustained heavy damage was the First National Bank block with bonders next are there and a couple other businesses I had names Escape me right now and then First Financial Center across the street from First National sustained heavy damage so we’re talking about damage on on three different blocks here right right damage on three different blocks yeah we don’t believe we’ll lose any further buildings than we’ve already lost and while the city struggles with fire a U.S West employee called the situation at its Grand Forks communication headquarters critical flood waters were threatening the telephone system my own home is going under uh it may not be totaled but now I am in the same bucket with the rest of you I do not feel bad for one reason because we will rebuild and we do have faith and I believe in our people and I believe together we will all pull out of this and our city will be stronger one of the things I do want to do is from my heart thank all the area residents for the way they have responded when we made the call that call was to house tens of thousands of people who have been left homeless by this Monumental disaster


  1. I didn't get back to GF/EGF until October, 1997. I was monitoring flood developments by the hour from my then-residence in Denver in April. The GF Herald heroically got a subscription started and sent to me April 17, the day before the Lincoln Park Dike was the first levee to experience failure, with evacuations following. Then ,the Herald building, as Neil pointed out, was destroyed in the Security Bldg. fire. Memories are not pleasant even though I was not in GF during the high-water period. Thanks.

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