Grand Forks Council Approves Advancement of Fufeng Corn Processing Plant Amid Increased Fireworks

GRAND FORKS, ND ( More fireworks during the Grand Forks City Council meeting. There was no public hearing tonight regarding the proposed Fufeng corn processing plant, but an audience member tried to override the Council’s vote to move it forward.
uh would be incurred for these type of projects could be recovered through the letter of credit so um it’s a lot information for me um i apologize for the length of time uh but if you have any questions i’d be more than happy to answer any of them in council president saying 2.7 was intended as a as an update and then the next item that we’re asking for action is actually 2.7.1 which is that and that was added today yeah that was are there any specific questions related to 2.7.1 the first amendment the development agreement i’m sorry this is not a public hearing i’m not telling you the truth and i would like to ask i’ll move approval of 2.7.1 thank you thanks for the two years before i even hear that mr bean about the end of last year who are the people that are sitting up here that were involved in this project before that time for the two years before it became public you mr gostid and mr bochansky am i wrong um the answer is city administrative staff worked with the grand forks region edc we worked with the state of north is and investigate and adjudicate the transactions if we do not provide for a stay if we continue to vote on moving things forward the city will endure more costs which are covered by this should the transaction be reversed by secrets and i really would i would beg you mr webber ladies mr bean i have information right here that can that can invalidate what he’s telling you and i would like to share that with you because i think that you need it there’s this is this is not a public hearing this is not a public hearing if you would like to come back i don’t care if it’s a public hearing i understand you’re being lied i think people need to know the truth as well which is why we’re here every monday night if you in fact i’ll say again um mr sandy if i may by president sandy uh mr gao said i appreciate the work that’s gone into this amended agreement i think it does a fantastic job of protecting the city uh from the the types of concerns that have been raised and that we as council members have raised and i’ll move approval of the amended development agreement thank you is there a second do not do this is there a second thank you mr weigel here’s a motion in the second any more additional comments on item 2.7.1 mr veen mr sandy i i was in part going back to 2.7 can we talk about that if if i think that was mostly information right it’s information only certainly you’re welcome to speak to two points so can i ask i’d like to ask a couple questions absolutely mr goss said you i think we got in our packets today or this week uh the revised uh development agreement right is it is it i was maybe a little confused because the original development agreement was like 45 pages and when i printed this out it was like 150 pages is it and i think it included that matrix that you probably had at the end too is that right and what’s what is it how has it progressed can you exactly counsel council member veena and council members there’s been no change in the development agreement other than that what’s been proposed the the length of it might be because there’s uh the exhibits that were attached um all those exhibits were were contained in the development agreement as originally they were they were all originally part of our agendas the previous agendas when we went in detail about the development agreement okay all the exhibits were there and that’s that’s the clarity those exhibits haven’t changed everything is specifically the the one thing you have added is that summary that of your management tool or whatever you call it has been added as well as like i said a tool but the rest of it you’re telling me is all the same correct mr green they’re not telling you the truth i’m sorry do you have further questions on two seven or two seven one mr green um i’m going to motion to table it because i’m sorry there’s a motion in a second on the floor already thank you mrs new information has come to light so there’s a motion and a second on the floor are there any the only you have to you have to act on a motion that’s already on the floor and then no problem yes certainly no problem no problem at all so give the new girl a little grace i thought i was um so there’s a motion and a second on the floor to move approval of item 2.71 any other comments related to 271 hearing none all those in favor signify by saying aye hi close same sign yeah uh motion passes mrs key descents thank you thank you mr feeling um in 2.8 and then we’re gonna have uh mr mr daddy’s gonna come up here and you may wanna dim the lights we do have a presentation


  1. They're all above the rules. What a sad tiring bunch of folks. They break the rules at every public mtg. because they think they're above the law

  2. I hope that the truth comes out with it being reviewed by the Governor’s office. That guy sitting at the table sure had a big smirk and smile/laugh all over his face when the authorities were passing the motion.

  3. Yes, we need another sweatshop like Foxconn with a 9/9/6 (look it up) work ethic. Suicide nets the whole sh'bang. Might as well build dormitories and barb wire fence it in – like a good ol' fashioned Uyghur style labor camp.

    Sad part is, the only reason Chinese manufacturers can sell their products at such a low price is because they don't pay their workforce diddly-squat. So if you want to work at this new Corn factory, remember its all to make the Cult of Personality: Winnie the Pooh look good. Ain't that right John Xina?

  4. Anyone for this is a commie and needs to be shot in the head. Sorry, we don’t need friends like that. Hate to have to call you out, but you begged by being an idiot.

  5. It's a matter of national security so glad to hear that there is now a investigation and if give China massive use of satellite images of our town of grand forks that would also include Grand Forks Air force base. It's scary let's say China teams up with Russia which they have done before and if they got ahold of info on our refueling base,this could lead to alot of bad situations. Just glad government is realizing the importance of NOT continuing this and serious need national security issues to be reviewed and acknowledged,not to mention that they would be poisoning our air, water and land. I don't understand, anything that effects not just Grand Forks peoples be voted on by residents and put to vote before endangering not just our town but possibly our country safety because of international spying and or worse.

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