Grand Forks City Council Meeting Ends with Developers and Councilman Escorted by Police to Their Vehicles

GRAND FORKS, ND ( It was another heated debate over a proposed $700-million corn milling plant in Grand Forks. Police escorted developers and a councilman to their vehicles, after the meeting.
things got ugly at the grand forks city council meeting on this monday evening the council wound up approving a property tax incentive as part of a proposal for a new 700 million dollar corn processing plant to be built just north of sim plot in grand forks uh fufong usa is a chinese-based company uh that would be building the plant someone so far as to say uh the plant would be used to spy on the air base having been in military communications i know something about that don’t tell me that they’re not going to have the ability to read every comment that comes out of that air base [Music] and if if it’s determined that driving by on highway 2 or sitting on top of a corn mill plant provides deeper intelligence about the goings on at the air base than satellites then that would come back to us and we would consider it at that time as well is that right under this national security advisor presents that type of information that would be presented to the council right and um and and every one of those decision points uh will be done in public uh transparent uh with the opportunity for people to kind of express themselves again at a minimum three people every council meeting has public comments at the end of the meeting so certainly at least twice a month so uh everyone would have an opportunity to come back twice a month during uh every council meeting citizen we commons you do any of your do any of you support a referendum among poor citizens i say no you’re not traders so another heated meeting there are still uh many uh segments and parts to be approved before the uh plant becomes a reality in grand forks however i’m told by a resident who was at tonight’s meeting there was a large crowd outside the council room and the fufong group uh asked to be escorted by grand forks police to their cars as did councilman dana sandy i’m neil carlson reporting for inews dot tv


  1. People who are bad know, when good people stand for their freedom. It's obvious, gf peeps don't need this in our lives. And, no the City would NEVER know when our air force base was infiltrated. Thats, a most obvious lie.

  2. Down right stupid if you ask me when every place in town is hiring half of these businesses can’t even operate normal hours and you want to bring in 250 new jobs? Stupid help your own towns economy the locals who have been grinding their asses off for years

  3. Pretty much a done deal why do you think they waited until now 2 years later? The citizens have absolutely no say in this, pockets have already been filled! Don't like it? vote those traitors out of office!

  4. some of these millennials have left comments thhat have me worried that we don't have a chance in hell to fend off china when the day comes. These idiots will welcome it.

  5. stupid, china don't even get along with us, last i knew we may go to war with them, our US military will kick there a#@ any way, where are they going to find all these workers, we have a shortage of work force right now. this would be a big mistake

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