1. This is very heartbreaking to see.

    I don't understand why this restaurant had such a bad reputation in the Grand Forks area, my family and I loved their food, and ate there countless times over the years. We live in Canada and visit Grand Forks multiple times a year, every visit the Far East would always be on our list. (Either us Canadians have very low standards/ are easily impressed, or they actually had good food lol). If people thought this place was bad, you should try some of the low-end Chinese buffets in my area. 🤮

    I will really miss the Far East and cherish the memories we made and the meals we enjoyed there over the years. I have so many stories to tell about their history and the slow decline over the years… I was so lucky to have travelled to Grand Forks within the last week of the Far East being open to enjoy their food one last time. I took my pictures, talked and took a picture with the owner I have known for years, but I would never have guessed the story would end with the building being torn down. Renovated and turned into something other than a restaurant yes, but not demolition. It's the end of an era, very very sad.

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