Grafton, ND Flood Update for Saturday

GRAFTON, ND ( It appears the Park River in Grafton, North Dakota is nearing its crest. The river flooded a park on the northwest corner of town, but the City of Grafton is protected by a temporary dike.
everyone Neil Berg here I’m engraft in North Dakota for the park river has overflowed its banks this is the park on the northwest corner of town temporary levee system here is the holding the water back from the rest of the city jeremy is a print Nelson Walsh County emergency manager so as a river Preston here or close to you think um it looks like we’re close to our crest it’s still been creeping up the bona hundreds of a foot debris our so but it certainly is starting to show its coming to the close here hopefully city’s in good shape right now everything looks to be good for the city of Grafton on the levee soon to be holding then we’re well within the left levy height that we built so you did have some farm homes and rural roads out there yeah the rivers worked its way in the Grafton we’ve got a lot of breakouts on the particularly the north branch of the park free worry that’s causing trouble for some homeowners along that branch of the river so some fine steps did have to sandbag her the other day come yeah we’ve got about 10 11 homes that we brought to Anna bags out to some of them sound big some of them sound big just for precaution and didn’t really have any issues but okay there’s a couple that are fighting the water trying to keep it out of their home okay so it looks like this could be the worst of it today um right now everything seems to be the park river hero three branches coming in the salt in the middle are definitely down the north is holding steady at the moment that hopefully that one will start dropping here and give people along that branch of the river a little break and then that will ultimately bring Grafton’s level down so all right that was a Brent Nelson Walsh County emergency manager here in Grafton where the park on the northwest corner of town is is flooded but the city is protected by a temporary levee system put up here so in Grafton I’m Neil Berg reporting for I news TV

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