Four-Year Old Child Abandoned On I-29 North Of Grand Forks, ND
WALSH COUNTY, ND ( A woman is in jail, after being charged with abandoning her child on Interstate-29 north of Grand Forks, North Dakota on Tuesday.
Four-Year-Old Child Found Abandoned on I-29 North of Grand Forks, ND

This woman isn't the only one sick in the head. It took 43 minutes for someone on the road to stop, when they saw a tiny kid alone on the side of the road. Hundreds of people saw the child and just kept driving.
Make it court ordered to have her neutered so she can’t have anymore kids.
Still, think weed should be legal people?
Looks like the liberals are expanding the limits of abortions.
I just rescued an 18 month old baby boy on a very busy Main Street who was riding his strider. No adult in sight. So dangerous. If you see a baby, toddler, child alone on a roadway please stop, dial 911 if no adult can be located quickly.
It breaks my heart that there are children with "parents" like this. They are given nearly no chance at life. I hope her kid(s) get placed in better care and that she rots in **
No excuses…no matter what..
To leave a child like that….
Just goes to show u just because u have custody doesn't mean your a good parent poor children what they have to goes threw in life
Wow ! Wth was she thinking?
At least she came to her senses & realized her grave error & went back to get her. Some people hit hard time & dont think clearly. She needed help with her situation & no one was there for her. God tells us to forgive.
The laws need to change Grandparents should have more rights then the parents then maybe children will live better lives the system is broken
makes me SICK stories like this I hug and kiss my little 4yr old boy and tell him how much he's loved by so so many people
This poor child had to be so scared. Thank god someone seen her and stopped .
Poor kid

It appears children are becoming increasingly more victimized by the day, the news keeps getting worse. I hope this little Angel is placed in a loving home. And lets pray the system works and she is not returned to her mother.
And what was stopping some knucklehead from abducting this child…on the Interstate ..get in the car ..trafficked…to who knows where
I’d bet a donut the mother is getting tax payer money to support those children. And the question hasn’t been mentioned…WHERE IS THE FATHER?!?!!!!?????
So scary for that child
Absolute garbage human being get fucked stay fucked
Thank you to the person that stopped & was willing to get involved & call the police.
And as the vehicles are going by so fast and the semis
God was watching over the girl
Ever since we have abandoned Fundamental Christianity for Secular Material Humanism; we have increased incidents like this.. America must change to help us all; especially the children.
That is severe mental illness……
Getting left behind like Joe Dirt!
Dear God!

WTH is wrong with you if you do this? Your child will have so many issues after doing this. She better not get that child back.
She’s been having a psychotic break going on two years now. Severe paranoia and collapse of all rational judgement. Very sad.
That woman is not well
Sounds like drugs
That's seriously F cked up. She is a piece of crap. Sorry but that is just very upsetting.