Fire Breaks Out at Farmstead in Rural Fisher, Minnesota

FISHER, MN ( Firefighters are on the scene of a blaze at a farmstead southwest of Fisher, Minnesota.
a firefighter is on the scene of a house fire in P County on this Wednesday morning this would be Southwest of Fisher Minesota here’s a fire call uh just after 11:00 a.m. on this Wednesday Fisher fire can you please responded 2 8794 State Highway 220 Southwest we have a house fire at this address now at this point a camera person can’t get up in the driveway here it may be a shop or garage that was on fire and they were trying to save the house uh a pastor for this uh family is also a first responder and happen to be on the scene scretchen I am pastor at Fisher bigland Lutheran Church and I am a first responder in the fiser community I’ve arrived at the scene and it’s a house fire that perhaps was set by uh fireplace they’re not sure um what is burning mostly right now is a wood stack uh that was for the winter and uh the family is safe uh the dog and the cat uh are out everybody is um in uh in a safety right now but the firefighters are now just trying to put out the fire and here’s a different angle of the fire a camera person on the scene says it appears a garage or shop next to the house uh has burned and they were uh spraying water on the house trying to save the house from starting on fire uh we’ll have more information as soon as it’s available but a uh fire at a Farmstead Southwest of fiser Minnesota on this Wednesday morning no reports of any injuries uh check back later for more details I’m Neil Berg reporting for I


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