Fifteen-year-old girl admits to engaging in sexual acts with multiple adult men in exchange for money and favors in Bemidji area

BEMIDJI, MN ( A 15-year old girl told investigators she had sex with multiple adult men in the Bemidji area for money and favors. At this point in the investigation, 1 man has been charged. The suspect worked at the Beltrami County Jail.
an investigation by the Minnesota BCI and Beltrami County Sheriff’s department has revealed a 15-year-old girl who says she had sex with multiple adult men for money and other favors at this point uh one man is charged 25-year-old Hopson Pier of beiji who worked as a Jailer at the Bel tramy County Jail Pier has been charged with third deegree criminal sexual conduct according to the criminal complaint in uh early October a family member reported uh the girl’s phone contained information that she was engaging in sex with adult men in an interview with an investigator she acknowledged having sexual relations with multiple adult men for money and or other favors a search of her phone led to the suspect Hobson pier and a November 29th interview with investigators again from the criminal complaint the defendant admitted to meeting the girl earlier in the fall through a dating application called meet me the defendant also admitted he spoke with the the girl through snapchat uh Hopson Pier stated he made arrangements to meet her in person October 5th he says he picked her up at her house and they drove to a wooded area near Sanford hospital in bigi and had intercourse in the backseat of his vehicle on October 5th uh Hopson Pier stated he then drove the girl home when uh the girl’s age was brought to the defendant’s attention the defendant stated he believed she was 18 years old uh the defendant stated he asked the girl how old she was and she told him 18 the defendant stated he believed the girl was 18 uh the defendant also stated he did not provide her with any marijuana money or anything else of value for sexual intercourse uh the criminal complaint says a mistake as to age is not a defense for the defendant again uh one person charged at this point will keep you updated I’m Neil Berg reporting for I


  1. As a lawyer, if the escort purposely misled the client and provided false information, wouldn't that be theft by swindle?

    Publishers note ( This question is directed TO a lawyer, as if you were face to face asking an opinion. At no time did I declare that I was a lawyer)

  2. Fine the girl, let the men go free. Typical honey pot situation that many a man has fallen to, if you could see into the judge's and I mean all the judges past how many would be so clean as to judge such a victimless crime as this. Remember the adulterous women the pharisees drug out during the act and brought her to Jesus ? Do you remember, he wrote in the sand, what did he write ? The story goes, after Jesus said what he said, Jesus asks the woman if anyone has condemned her and she answers no. Jesus says that he too does not condemn her and tells her to go and sin no more. Nobody knows what he wrote in the dirt, maybe just maybe….. were you not with her on thrusday ?
    John 8:17
    They say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act. Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou? This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not. So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground. And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst. When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee?
    OK What did Jesus Write ……………. Made them all go away?

  3. If she was soliiciting these men for gain under false pretensions, she is NOT an innocent victim, and should be held accountable for her behavior. No parent knows what their 15 yr old is doing all the time unless they keep them under lock and key. Then they'ed be accused of child abuse. A 15 yr old is not a child anymore. I know, I had 5 of them.

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