Fargo Resident Faces Three Felony Charges

Jonatan Alfredo Gaytan
Jonatan Alfredo Gaytan

FARGO, ND (trfnews.i234.me) – A Fargo resident, Jonatan Alfredo Gaytan, is facing a trio of felony charges following allegations of choking a woman, making threats, and preventing her from leaving his residence.

According to the criminal complaint, Jonatan Alfredo Gaytan is charged with felonious restraint, domestic violence, and terrorizing domestic violence. The female victim reported that during an argument over unlocking her phone, Gaytan allegedly choked her and demanded access to her phone while brandishing a handgun.

She stated she was unable to leave until the following morning. During police questioning, Gaytan admitted to displaying the gun to intimidate her, claiming it was not a real firearm.

He explained that he confined her to the apartment because he didn’t want her to leave amidst the argument.

I’m Neil Berg reporting for trfnews.i234.me

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