Exclusive: Two Men Survive Pickup Truck Collision with Train Near Grand Forks

GRAND FORKS, ND (trfnews.i234.me) Two men survived a crash with a train near Grand Forks Thursday morning. We have an interview with the passenger, Richie Lorenzen.
Neil Carlton here on the phone with me is Richie Lorenzen he was the passenger in this pickup hit by a train uh just west of 32nd Avenue and a mile south in Grand Forks this morning driver David Contreras both of them escaped with the minor injury injuries uh Richie well you’re here good to talk to you what happened well you know we’re just shooting the bull you know just coming down the gravel road and my partner was taking me to my tractor to drop me off on the field and I don’t know the sun was in her eyes and we were just cruising down the road we were probably lucky if we were doing you know maybe 30 40 miles an hour underground Road you know and I guess it’s just a mistaken accident that uh you know we probably should have paid attention more or what was going on I don’t know the last got the last second you know wait I heard the horn Hawk on the train and I dl’d them hit the brakes and he slammed on the brakes and like I said two two or three more feet I mean I’m sure of that all right yeah it kind of just hit the front of your truck there you guys you know the human is the air you know I mean if we’re all perfect the world would be perfect too you know no yeah that’s why that’s why they’re called accidents but okay one of those freak things I know people are to jump to conclusions they call them you know what the hell they’re thinking or whatever you know it’s it just accidents happen so quick you know yeah just if this happens go quick and I mean did it feel like a lot of a lot of feel like a lot of force in the truck I mean to throw you around or kind of just stop them going to like an explosion went off you know pretty much pretty much off you know okay you saw you’re still sitting up on The Road Sawyer is still sitting up on the road there yeah it just swung the front he actually started turning the wheel to the left and the train conductor set up he probably went to did that we probably would have got killed and then okay it uh just slid the pickup over a little bit you know it didn’t go far and then the train went by and I bet you within 100 yards to come to a stop we were already out of the vehicle when they got to us and David was grew he bruised up a little bit on his legs and stuff to me he got checked over I didn’t I refuse to go to the hospital I’m pretty sure I’ll be fine you know okay more scared than anything you know yeah okay all right well thanks for talking to me glad you guys are okay yeah you bet stuff happens see it every day but yes it does okay take care yeah thank you


  1. When u see tracks think train……My grand kids think I'm goofy because when they are in the truck I see tracks and yell train lol…..Most people only get hit once by a train.

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