EXCLUSIVE: Grand Forks Inmates Organize Food Protest

EXCLUSIVE: Grand Forks Inmates Plan Food Protest

GRAND FORKS, ND (trfnews.i234.me) Inmates at the county jail in Grand Forks, North Dakota tell TRF News they’re planning a food protest on Monday. Inmates say they’re receiving spoiled food and not enough of it.
* We’ve reached out to jail administrator, Bret Burkholder for comment. We’ll have that for you if and when we get it.


  1. Oh bullshit. The person that was sending out spoiled milk was fired. New person makes them stick to restrictions they’re health requires. They want to eat against that? Do the time and stop committing crimes.

  2. I don't believe in coddling those serving a sentence. But it is up to the jail or prison to make sure inmates are healthy and safe. Healthy meaning that all their medical and nutritional needs are met. Serving spoiled milk is NOT meeting those needs.

  3. I mean I get it. They need to eat but cmon guys! You know what jail is like.. stay out of there! Their thinking is though to stop feeding meals as big so they purchase canteen. Money, Money, Money.

  4. Sounds like they got beef with the County Correctional food department and no doubt the Sheriff is making Staff cut back on Portions to save some money and buy more Military equipment etc

  5. It's true. The portions are way too small. The kitchen crew takes way more than they should. There's no church, no N/A or A/A, no book cart. How is there no book cart. You cant even have a family member come and drop off a book?! Something needs to be done, there needs to be something for these guys to do. Every jail around this area has programs, tablets, texters, etc. GF has nothing and that's not right

  6. All the hillbillies here just can't understand that prison is for rehabilitation. There are countless studies showing thay simply punishing people and making "prison be a bad place" does very little to stop recidivism. The punishment is the lost freedom and time. It shouldn't also be lack of food, nutrition or humanity.

    And i bet most of the comments on here where people are laughing at the inmates consider themselves to be christian. Thats the funniest part. Keep laughing hillbillies.

  7. To those of you bashing them for being in jail, I think you need to be cognizant of a few things:
    1. Their Constitutional rights under the 8th Amendment cruel and unusual protections are being violated.
    2. Some of them have not been found guilty yet, meaning they are innocent until proven guilty.
    3. For those that have plead guilty or have been found guilty, a jail sentence is for mere misdemeanors.

  8. Brett Burkholder should’ve been removed from the jail a very long time ago because I could tell you guys some things that happened in there that involve Brett Burkholder, but of course he’ll deny it and I’ll probably end up going to jail for exposing him.

  9. I've been to make like that. You end up eating the bar minimum to get by. Some days you would get lucky and there would be more appetizing for on the tray. That's pretty rare though bi always tell people that it you don't like sweets find someone going through opiate withdrawals to trade with. They only ever eat the desert.

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