Eight Members of Warroad American Legion Injured in Memorial Day Accident

WARROAD, MN (trfnews.i234.me) Eight members of the American Legion Post in Warroad, Minnesota were injured, while on their way to conduct ceremonies at local cemeteries.
Sheriff’s Department says they’ll release more details later this morning. Check back for update.
we have a terrible Memorial Day story out of Warroad Minnesota today eight members of the American Legion Club there were injured two of them seriously after their van was T-boned at an intersection an auxiliary Legion member agreed to this phone interview on the condition that we not use her name prayers of things things all turn out okay okay and anyway uh they just had the ceremony in warro or Roosevelt and then we’re going south in war yeah we always have a Memorial Day program at the at the gardens arena in war that had finished that and then they had done a they do a parade to the to the bridge in Morrow and and throw a reef into the river and that had been completed and they had gone and stopped at two two cemeteries and done U mil you know the honors at cemeteries and then they were on to their their next location which like I said is um south of War Road about eight miles uh basically broadsided at an intersection by another vehicle that’s our understanding yes okay and and uh what you know so far two airlifted to Grand Forks and maybe as many of six others in the uh van but not all of them seriously hurt correct correct the state patrol will release more details later I’m Neil Berg reporting for in trfnews.i234.me

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