East Grand Forks Residents Cold on Proposed Roundabout

EAST GRAND FORKS, MN (trfnews.i234.me) A proposed roundabout in East Grand Forks did not get a welcoming reception at an informational meeting on this Wednesday evening.
at issue tonight in east grand forks was a proposed roundabout here on the street just past the orton’s gas station um an informational meeting was held at the senior center nearby city officials say a study shows a roundabout in this area would help accessibility to getting out on the road you know kind of live in this area live on the southern part of the community i mean you know if you’re trying to get out onto biglan road in the morning during that peak period you can sit there for a fair amount of time just trying to get onto big one to make that left turn so as part of the traffic study alliance did look at essentially two potential options to improve accessibility at the intersection one was traffic signals and the other one was you know the roundabout how many people are against it raise your hand so several residents voice all kinds of concerns about a potential roundabout in that location including causing problems for pedestrians getting across the road an increase in property taxes to pay for it and problems with the big rigs like fire trucks making the curve around roundabouts and the gas station owner says it would cut off access to his business you’re obviously moving two of our entry points uh eliminating this one and moving this one that may open a different can of worms i can tell you if it adversely impacts our business we’re going to have some issues that we’re going to settle legally now this was just an informational meeting no action could be taken but you can expect more discussion on all this at upcoming east grand forks city council meetings i’m Neil Berg reporting for trfnews.i234.me


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