1. Why are so many drugs being laced with Fentanyl these days?? It's so lethal, the smallest rub from a patch could do someone in. I cannot imagine the high incident of OD's from Heroine laced with Fentenyl! In my day (70's) there was a while when pot/weed/grass, etc, was being laced with Angel Dust and it was wicked!! I had a friend OD 2x on the stuff and he was hospitalized. I got a bag once that I know was laced with Angel Dust and it was such a strong effect that I knew what happened and was scared crazy for the 4 hrs it lasted!! People have to be so careful and the worst thing about it is you don't have a clue unless you know the person who is handling/growing and now making the original product, and either know they are honest (doing it with you), or you've been with them during the process. I was very fortunate to have friends who I was able to trust; but everyone of us got burned by the unknowingly laced weed. Thankfully as I grew up and got into a "real adult career," at which point my job was much more important than partying…some of my old friends have not been so fortunate and as with many others, drugs have ravaged their body. 😢😢 It's sad and awful 😭

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