Driving to Key West: Traffic Update

hey everyone Neil Berg of I news here with you for a useless uh road report if you’re in Minnesota or North Dakota I’m on Highway one off the southern tip of Florida heading out to Key West little foggy this morning there we’re going by kargo it’s called ahead I guess uh bogy and ball already checked out several years ago so we won’t stop there but this road is what is it 125 miles from the uh southern tip of Florida angles out west to Key West over little strips of land Keys Little Islands uh one part of it is uh 7 miles over Open Water no kind of an interesting drive plus it’s a little foggy basically two lane road separated by a divider here so interesting little road going to set up a shop in Key West for 3 days been traveling from Savannah since uh yesterday stopped in uh Fort Lauderdale last night we’ll catch you up to date on all your local news stories here on uh later on on Friday and Saturday and Sunday so I just give you a quick look at the road here heading out to Key West Florida I’m Neil Berg reporting for I trfnews.i234.me


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