Crime Escalates in Mille Lacs County, Minnesota: A Recap of Recent Events

MILLE LACS COUNTY, MN ( An interesting roundup of crime events in Mille Lacs County, Minnesota by Sheriff Kyle Burke.
good morning everybody in Milwaukee County Sheriff Kyle Burton here just wanted to share with you all some things that have been going on the last few days in our County it’s been kind of a busy busy last five five days I would say um so let’s go back to um the 21st just a few days ago about 12 30 in the morning one of my deputies make some traffic stop up on 169 near Eddie’s Resort in that area notices right away that the driver and the passenger something’s not right they’re being very evasive with him the stop was originally for speeding and then he noticed the passenger wasn’t wearing her seatbelt she’s refusing to identify herself becoming a Cooperative so at one point he’s at the passenger side of the car interacting with this female passenger who again is not cooperating not identifying herself attempts to remove her from the car because she’s going to be placed under arrest and she says something to the driver who turns out is your boyfriend something to the effect of we got to get out of here we got to get out of here so he throws the car and drive and steps on it while our Deputy is still partially in the passenger compartment of this car trying to get up control of this female and he gets drugged for a short while and ends up down in the ditch he’s later treated and released from a hospital from that and he’s at home recovering but this car takes off which then a Pursuit takes place after that goes on for quite a few miles if you’re familiar with where Eddie’s is it ends down in the area of 200 280th Street 100th Avenue which is in budget Township quite a ways from there and they end up getting both of these two in custody so let me introduce these two to you this is our female hero we were talking about she’s still in our jail currently this is Amanda Stanley she’s a 31 year old female from Henrico Virginia and she also has some warrants outstanding out of the state of Virginia but she’s in her jail and is facing a laundry list of charges felony charges as you can imagine stemming from the life-changing decisions that were made the other night and here’s the other person we have in custody the driver which is your boyfriend Brandon Nelson he’s a 37 year old man from Malacca again life-changing decisions were made here um and he’s also sitting in our jail on a laundry list of chargers including some several serious felons like I said our Deputy he’s uh he’s at home recovering expected to return to duty but definitely a close call that could have ended a lot worse than it did uh the other thing I’ll touch on briefly is we had a pretty serious fatal accident some of you may be aware of this or saw that wreckage signed the scene there but up on 250th Street or Milwaukee County Road 19 run River Bridge in that area we had a vehicle Monday afternoon at about a little before four in the afternoon uh High rate high rate of speed we believe in excess of 100 struck that bridge driver was deceased on scene a 17 year old male we’re not releasing his name at this time but he was uh ejected into the river the bridge was on fire it was it was an absolute mess one of the one of the more violent um crashes we’ve probably seen and so definitely uh Hart goes out to the family and all those involved that knew him and certainly all the First Responders that responded that had to clean up that scene they were out there for a long time so the bridge I’m told from our County highway department folks is is uh safe at this point and they they haven’t shut the bridge down but just be aware if you’re traveling through that area and you see that that’s what happened there in case anybody is just curious it was a it was a pretty bad car crash so uh that’s all I have today for you I will probably do some more updates later this week we’ve had some other things going on I’m just waiting on some uh people to be charged and seen in court on those and I’ll provide updates as I get those have a great day everybody foreign


  1. What are the rights of traffic stops in Minnesota?

    You don't have to answer a police officer's questions, but you must show your driver's license and proof of insurance when stopped in a car. In most other situations, Minnesota law does not make it a crime to refuse to identify yourself to a police officer unless they reasonably suspect you are involved in a crime.

    How much is a no seat belt ticket in MN?
    Law enforcement can stop motorists for seat belt violations. A seat belt ticket is $25 but usually costs more than $100 with administrative fees.

    DO NOT TALK TO LEO. Evoking ones 5th amendment isn't a crime. He had no to remove her from the car. Issue the seat belt violation & be done. The LEO escalated the situation & profiled them. Being without means to retain a high profile attorney will ensure the LEO will get away with his aggressive behavior risking the public & his safety = all for a seat belt violation. Which I'm pretty sure is a secondary stop.

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