COVID-19: Sunday Morning Reflections and Thoughts from Grand Forks, North Dakota

GRAND FORKS, ND ( Sunday morning thoughts and reflections on COVID-19 from viewers.
everyone Neil Berg here cruise in the streets of Greater Grand Forks early on a Sunday morning as you will know it’s a different world up from my perspective after covering the news here in the northern valley for years and years that’s not really different some of the same some of the things stay the same for instance last night we had an overdose maybe two around the region we had a accident didn’t sound too bad down by Hillsboro are and they’re still medical calls but overall it is slow a bit eerie in fact last night Saturday night I asked for your comments and how you are feeling about this overall situation and how it’s affecting you here are some of those comments as we cruise the streets of Grand Forks early on a Sunday morning one viewer writes yes it scares me not really the virus itself but I’ve been forced to shut my business down and that scares me my business is my income to not only support my family and children but to pay the bills that come no matter if I’m shut down or not the virus is scary and I wouldn’t wish it upon anyone but I also wouldn’t wish losing everything you have worked hard for and losing it overnight this is scary the unknown is frightening another viewer writes the government needs to put everyone on lockdown and shut this down before this gets to be like Italy I’m very concerned people aren’t being tested appropriately people are acting like this can’t touch our area and it feels like a majority see this ending in a few weeks another viewer writes we are better off watching news information from Canada and Germany for accurate if nation Trump continues to use the media to spread propaganda propaganda and useless information watch his press conferences he says a lie and then fall she has to completely contradict what he says with scientific facts and truth Trump is going on hunches and hope and people are buying into his crap while scientists and educated specialists tell the truth another viewer writes honestly this may be a non-issue not sure I would like to see it be a legal kind of thing but as a healthcare worker these are the kind of actions that will put our region in harm’s way I’m so frustrated with the selfishness of our youth these spring break kids will bring this virus back and will affect us we’ve been fortunate so far but it’s just the beginning how do we get the message for our youth to take this seriously another viewer writes not a biggie here the cold weather we have killed it well another viewer writes taking it seriously government maybe should have warned people and closed borders with China would have okay and finally for now I’m scared to death of any virus I stay up praying and crying now if you like hearing from others regarding this we’ll do a second round later on this Sunday if you’re on Facebook simply messages if you’re not on Facebook like the majority of our viewers you can text us at 2:00 and eight to eight nine three eight five three or email news at I news with a Z TV we won’t reveal your name and we’d love to get a quick phone interview from someone who has tested positive for kovat 19 just give us a call and we’ll protect your name and location stay safe everyone and take care of one another I’m Neil Berg reporting for i news TV you


  1. I drive truck and am a veteran.My truck has never been I spray everybag and sealed food container down with alcahol.I now make my own coffee.I feel better hauling important products like food instead of non essential stuff like beer lol.But unless the virus stops me ill keep working and avoiding as many people as i can

  2. Really Really… I don't even know what to say. It's Trumps fault and you watch Canadian news?? I'm about ready to unsubscribe from this station. All you guys are making it worse for all of us.

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