COVID-19: Sunday Morning Comments And Reflections From Grand Forks, North Dakota
GRAND FORKS, ND ( Sunday morning thoughts and reflections on COVID-19 from viewers.
COVID-19: Reflections and Insights from Sunday Morning in Grand Forks, North Dakota

Nobody is dying in Chicago the hospitals are completely empty there is no covid-19 epidemic.. it's all a big f**** lie.
Really Really… I don't even know what to say. It's Trumps fault and you watch Canadian news?? I'm about ready to unsubscribe from this station. All you guys are making it worse for all of us.
I drive truck and am a veteran.My truck has never been I spray everybag and sealed food container down with alcahol.I now make my own coffee.I feel better hauling important products like food instead of non essential stuff like beer lol.But unless the virus stops me ill keep working and avoiding as many people as i can