1. my uncle had a harvesting business, his whole family did that. his brother had quite the story he had bought a new john d. harvesting machine. the truck driver took the wrong route and didn't bother reading the bridge's height. boom!! the machine was decapitated!! the roof of the cabin took off. the rest of the machine was pretty much untouched. worst part of the story is he had to use the machine as it was as he couldn`t get a new one on time for the harvest season. they were very well tanned that season 😂😂🤣🤣

  2. Used S780,,, $4-500k… Brand new class 9-10 combines with corn and grain head are $1m… Just the fact that it has no tracks or wheels/tires… front tracks are $100k… anyway, yep, expensive mistake here for sure…

  3. About verify before posting. You are way off of the cost of the combine. is it iNewsTV or iwhateversomeonesaidTV? When you get it verify and get it right you are credible. When you don't verify and get it wrong. You are just another clown after hits.

  4. If the frame is bent, it will be sold as salvage…if not…given the glass is still intact…fix and sell…and hope the rotor didn't bend 1mm…

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