Very Expensive Accident In Grand Forks
GRAND FORKS, ND ( We had a very expensive accident in Grand Forks on this Thursday evening. A combine valued at a million dollars fell off a semi.
Costly Accident in Grand Forks

Very Expensive Accident In Grand Forks
GRAND FORKS, ND ( We had a very expensive accident in Grand Forks on this Thursday evening. A combine valued at a million dollars fell off a semi.
Pull that drivers cdl. What a jerk. He could have killed people
No big loss is a john Deere ….. it would be in shop within 2 months of service…. just put it out of its misery…. lmao
Wow terrible mistake
It’s worth barely over HALF a million dollars , not an actual million dollars

They don't fall of if you chain it down right. Truck driver error.
Falls? It wasn't secure
Did he chained the combine down
my uncle had a harvesting business, his whole family did that. his brother had quite the story he had bought a new john d. harvesting machine. the truck driver took the wrong route and didn't bother reading the bridge's height. boom!! the machine was decapitated!! the roof of the cabin took off. the rest of the machine was pretty much untouched. worst part of the story is he had to use the machine as it was as he couldn`t get a new one on time for the harvest season. they were very well tanned that season

Not a big loss it's only crappy John Deere
I’ve hauled new holland for 15 yrs had truck up to 100 mph never had one fall off. That was 20-30 years ago wen speeding was fine.
yes harvesters have become very expensive however total cost would include the fronts
if this was chained on properly it would now be on farm
Looks as if it was being transported without the wheels on, they sometimes do to reduce the height, I can’t see any wheels on the ground smashed up.
Some one did not secure it correctly a combine just does not fall off.
Well there is an opening at that transport company today!
What about how it was secured? Could it be possible someone loosened anything?
John Deere….would have done half million in improvements….. seriously they are trash machines…
The X9 is worth a million, a 780 might be 500 grand
Just the cost of hiring a big-ass crane is gonna suck.
Haha, Give the truck driver a medal. i wouldn't that as a load as well. lol.
That guy and his girl were at the restaurant?looks like they live in it.
Used S780,,, $4-500k… Brand new class 9-10 combines with corn and grain head are $1m… Just the fact that it has no tracks or wheels/tires… front tracks are $100k… anyway, yep, expensive mistake here for sure…
Bet the driver felt like a big poonanny……
about a half million but whose counting. somebody didn't chain well and was going to fast from what witnesses say
About verify before posting. You are way off of the cost of the combine. is it iNewsTV or iwhateversomeonesaidTV? When you get it verify and get it right you are credible. When you don't verify and get it wrong. You are just another clown after hits.
Don't repeat what the wankers tell you because it's not a million dollar machine
I've seen it before, not secured properly, hope they load it back on the truck that dumped it, the haul of shame back to deere. They will rebuild it or pull parts,but I've seen it before.
He should not be driving a truck!
Hope it’s still owned by Deere! Bastards deserve to lose a “won’t let you fix it” green booger!
If the frame is bent, it will be sold as salvage…if not…given the glass is still intact…fix and sell…and hope the rotor didn't bend 1mm…
Ill take it for 100K